Sunday, March 22, 2015

We get to play with Orgy in a month!

We have the honor to play with @orgyofficial . We couldn't be anymore stoked for this, time to put all games and fun aside and rehearse this our fingers bleed!

We are doing ticket holds for immediate buyers, and if you live from Norman to Edmond, even to Shawnee we can drop off your ticket to you. Send us a DM!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tired of Witnessing Bullshit

No matter the gender, why would you stay in a relationship with someone you don't trust. Someone you can't treat kindly, romantically, and healthy; just let them go. They are NOT an object, they are NOT a possession.
You are NOT above them in any way, so give them respect or end it and move on immediately.

Favorite show/s? Here's one!

#AncientAliens Is one of my favorite shows to just sit down and enjoy. With or without company, the show stays perfect.

I very much enjoy documentaries, what kinds almost don't matter, although I do have my preferences.
Nature/ Wilderness along with Regional and Archeological are my top favorites. I could go on talking and listening about past, historical, or even supernatural events. It's like a whole new level of excitement! To just think about beings or places and their histories, theories, and believes. The way their norm was compared to present day, or how could something so new to us, be something that was already created Pre- Columbus era.

I may not like people but I am fascinated by people and places of the past. They leave trails and clues, but we have to strive to not give up and to continue to search about them, to study them before it gets left behind, lost in history as our newer generations only dumb themselves down with the abuse of technology.

Monday, March 16, 2015

My man in armour!

Some girls like their men in uniforms, I like mine in armour. ;)
Haven't done a #mancrushmonday but hot damn how could I not fall for him!

#leather #armour #leatherwork #mcm #tandysleather #medievalfair #renaissance #meninarmour #chestplate #bracers #ebonyarmour #horns #hornedhelmet #skyrim #diy

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bright Sunshine Filled Days!

Finally some bright and sunny weather! Two weeks till the Norman Medieval fair!! The gypsy in me is screaming from excitement!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Monster Horror Convention!

I'm so happy I got to go back to the Monster Horror Convention with Damian and Shyla! This year they had much more varieties of booths. Of course I went with no money to spend.... but nonetheless I had an amazing time!

Friday, March 6, 2015


If religion can be taught to a child the same way racism can, than I'd rather teach children morals, manners, and basic human rights. Along with everyone is equal, no one is above anyone else. Give them the chance to study about all religions, belief systems, and their backgrounds; so they could START at the age 15, they could use the (so far) life experience and see what they can feel most connected to, what they agree or disagree with, and stop the chance of any bullying or ridicule when they notice that someone has picked another spiritual, self, or religious than the one they themselves have picked. Of course they wouldn't have to pick at 15 what they choose to believe, but having that option of studying all believes would just help us survive and advance as a species; they wouldn't feel the need to judge what someone has or hasn't chosen, they wouldn't feel the need to presume someone's nature or background, they would know that everyone experienced a different path, and that no beliefs belittles a person.
So I HIGHLY DISAGREE WITH THIS PHOTO. The act of removing someone's freedom at such a young and highly influential time, just because it is what you agree with is one of the most cruel, unmoral, and inhuman thing to do.