I am currently working on a men for this picture, sounds simple right? It is, but I'm hitting the road in an hour, so I have to finish packing for right now instead of finishing a cheesy meme.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Winter decoration!
I love these so much!! It's just so creative to have these around all year around. I will always has an eternal love for astronomy. :)
Friday, December 19, 2014
Dog Fetch Fails
This video has now become my most favorite video of all time! Any and everyone should watch this, it will bring a smile to your face, I guarantee it!
Giant Health Lesson!
What I have gone threw the past two hours. In a completely dark house.
Not a light was on. THERE IS A LESSON IN THE END!
• Overheating, causing extreme nausea
• Being so nauseated that I couldn't even look up or turn my head.
• Being stripped down to nothing, sitting on the floor with my back against a wall.
• Lack of dehydration & food, so I saw nothing. All I saw were vague outlines but everything I could see were speckles covering Everything.
• So I waddle my blind, about to fall from being weak naked body to the shower.
• I take my first cold shower in my life. Which was about 7 minute rinse really.
• I manage to reach over and get a towel, I'm still completely soaked, but I just walk to the kitchen.
• I find a banana and sit down to eat it.
I know I have to get something in me, but eating it took about 15, so I get another one.
• I get a cup of water to hydrate myself.
• Still nude, I get my lab to lay next to me, and I let everything else get sweated out. Her body is warm enough to lessen my shivering.
I fell asleep for 20 minutes, I feel better. My temperature is regular, and I don't see any speckles.
Don't ever do my mistake of putting your health second! Don't ever get into any anemic habits! I didn't know what was going to happen, so I was scared, but I'm glad I managed. HEALTH COMES BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE KIDS!
I'll call to see if he's awake, 98% of the time he isn't but I try.
He will pick up *sounding sleepy* and ask me to go to bed.
I try to keep him up by asking questions because I'm bored and his sleepy voice is cute.
HERE IS WHERE HE GETS ME EVERYTIMEHe'll tell me he's going back to dreamland and is going to wait for me.
I don't care how childlike that sounds! That gets my inner core!
So of course, goodnight everyone. My boyfriend is waiting for me in dreamland.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Motivation + My Love
I have loved her for so many years.
This woman owns my heart. So after watching this video, what I thought couldn't happen, happened! I'm in deeper love for her.
I'm at home all day, not working out. When did this become a routine? I'm threw procrastinating, I'm getting back into my roll tomorrow!
Getting Into Fitness!: http://youtu.be/ZNlqGzDOLek
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Pained Finger.
Since I love to write, I have continued to let my thoughts run through pages, I have now written so much I have an indention on my finger. I used to have this 'problem' almost everyday a couple years ago, but I gave up writing and the indention mark faded. I couldn't be any happier that I am doing one of the things I love so much again. It's so relaxing and exciting at the same time.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Too funny not to share. Even funnier to me because of the sate I live in.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Just tumbling along. :)
So I had been feeling horrid yesterday. I couldn't feel a thing, I was so numb to every emotion, since the second I woke up till late at night. Damian helped me feel better while I was on the phone. Today I feel like myself, I feel happy and creative and more than anything; I am able to laugh once more! I love laughing and smiling so much that my cheeks begin to ache!
Now I have stumbled upon so many hilarious Tumblr screenshots, I can barely contain my laugh, it's 2:31 AM so I have to stay quiet *growls* . Anyhow here are some of those silly screenshots!
Monday, December 8, 2014
When Should You Say You Have A Boyfriend?
This is terrible, because this is me. I'm so oblivious to hit ons, or invites.
All I think about are harmless, happy, friendly everything... now I understand where my boyfriend and friends mean when point out the 'obvious' stuff.
It's not my fault, I would be more than happy if some guy/ new friend were to ask if I was single, I'm proud to say 'Nope! I'm taken & happy!'
So it my defense, I wouldn't want to just assume and blare out 'Yo! Calm that dagger in your pants and don't get any ideas mister! I'm not here for games; I am here for friendship; comprende sir?"
Sunday, December 7, 2014

So with this collage you can tell where my anger comes from. Since I have nothing nice to say to say to her, I will say nothing at all. I only have harsh words that would forever ruin a friendship and I know that it would also ruin the friendship that Damian has with her; so I will be wiser. Damian knows that I have chosen to no longer speak to her (or acknowledge her existence) , and he knows that I'm going to be civil..... strangely he is proud. Mostly proud that I have learned such an obvious rule as "Don't share tattoo ideas!" I guess I just think that everyone is just happy, friendly, and with innocent intentions... what a cruel way to wake up. I was just so dedicated to this piece, I had years planned into making it look perfect so I could display it as a trophy for the world to see.
Life is tough, so be wise. Receive advice before you learn from a mistake.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Should I even get mines done?
It can imply to so much, but this time it's about art. It's about replicating what someone has yearned to have on a certain spot on their body. No matter how many years I've wanted this, I'm trying to perfect what I have in mind for this gorgeous artwork so that I proudly display it on my body for the world to see until the day I perish. So now I'm disappointed, in the other person and myself. I shouldn't have given my mindset for it's outcome. This is the only way to learn, and now I know.
Friday, December 5, 2014
This never gets old. c:
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Birth Month!
So even though I'm posting this a couple days late, I need to post this.
12/1/2014: Quarter dollar
12/2/2014: Single dollar bill
12/3/2014: Raspberry Tea
12/4/2014: Hershey's white chocolate bar
Again, this was meant to be a joke, I claimed that since it's my birth month I get presents and I can't get in trouble (not that I even do bad things). So I think it's silly and adorable that my mom is doing this. :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Suicide Squad: Jared Leto on The Joker Rumor
Monday, December 1, 2014
Baby Bat Burritos
Incase you've had a crappy Monday so far, watch this to perk yourself up! We all love animals, but we all know that everyone has a weakness for baby animals. c: